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Hello Again & Writing Plans (Because Hey, I Have Those Now)

J. Elizabeth Vincent
August 8, 2024

Welcome back to my newly designed author website and an update on my writing plans! I'm a bit of a Jane of all trades (or a glutton for punishment, take your pick), so I did the redesign myself. What do you think? I feel like it has a better feel to it and is more authentic to my epic fantasy books. Or maybe I'm just delusional. You decide!

Where Did You Go???

"Where have I been?" you may wonder if you're a fan of the Legends of the Ceo San. I may have left you hanging at the end of book three, Rise of the Ceo San. Oops, my bad! All I can say is that A LOT has happened in my life both personally and professionally in the last couple of years, including some loss, some health issues among me and family members, and some work issues. You know, just the usual writer's block excuses.

Onward to Book 4

Anyhow, I finally felt like I was at a place where I could start working on book 4, Brother's Keeper, which I plan to be the finale of my first full fantasy series. Because apparently, I enjoy torturing myself with elaborate writing plans, I've outlined the whole thing with the help of AI (I am not a natural outliner – shocking, I know), but if it matters to you, you can be assured that I am and will continue to write the books myself from scratch. That's too much fun for me to pass up! Plus, I need something to complain about during my 2 AM existential crises.

A gratuitous and cute picture in the middle of my writing plans post. Luna is a husky mix dog lying in the back of an SUV. Luna is a rescue dog being transported by volunteers to a new foster home.
Here is a gratuitous photo of Luna, a special, special needs dog from Turkey (yes, you read that right — Turkey, not turkey, though that would be an interesting twist) that my husband and I helped by being part of a very long line of transports that got her all the way from New Jersey to Alabama because she needed to switch foster homes. She was adorable and sweet and got along pretty well considering that one of her back legs was gone. If you'd like to help dogs like Luna, check out Rescuers without Borders.

Writing Plans after Brother's Keeper

Speaking of writing plans, I look forward to branching out a bit when this series is done, maybe writing some side stories in the land of Whiteleah and also diverging into other areas. No concrete writing plans at the moment, but I find the idea of adding more romance to my books a nice one. Because nothing says "fantasy author" like awkwardly written make-out scenes, right?

And, as you may have discovered with this post, I'm also intrigued by writing with more humor and snark, as I am a more goofy and snarky person in person than I generally am in my writing. (Too much academic training, I think! Thanks a lot, higher education.) Finally, I'd love to expand my writing into urban fantasy and science fiction. I've always read a little science fiction and watched a lot, but I've been very inspired recently by the works of S. B. Divya, James S. A. Corey, and Martha Wells. Maybe one day I'll be half as good as them. A girl can dream, can't she?

Wrapping It Up

I know it's been a while, but I wanted to touch base and let you know that I'm not dead and that finishing Legends of the Ceo San is still in the writing plans. You're welcome, I guess?

So, how have you been, fans? Big changes for you, I expect. Because amidst all of this, there was COVID, of course. If you escaped that, you must be one of the gods! Can you pass on some of your luck? Or at least share your secret stash of toilet paper and hand sanitizer?

Feel free to hit me up in the comments or over on Instagram. See you soon! Or not. Who knows? My writing plans are about as reliable as a Virginia weather.

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